Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The 11th Congress

Members gather after the 11th Congress for a group photo. Pictured from left to right—foreground; Mr. B. Joyce, Mr. J. Stepp, Mr. R. Browne, Mr. M. Walker, Mr. M. Flagler, Mr. B. Johnson. Background; Mr. J. McLaughlin, Mr. J. Back, Mr. S Griffith, Mr. C. Farmer, Mr. J. Carr, Mr P. Box.  
The 11th Congress
Neon's Unplugged on April 10, 2013

The 11th Congress convened on April 10th at Neon's.  Present were Messrs. Walker, Carr, Johnson, Griffith, Flagler, Back, Browne, Stepp, Joyce and Pledges J. McLaughlin and C. Farmer.
  Sec.-Treas. Johnson reported $130 in the till. Pledges Farmer and McLaughlin's nominations were unanimously approved.
  In old business, Ambassador Griffith reported on the sponsorship of the Roller Girls.  The club banner has been hung, well-hung I'm sure, in the Cincinnati Gardens.  Vice President Carr and Confessor Back led a discussion regarding the pipe club box, a very fine box I'm sure.  Confessor Back promised to provide members with keys to the box as soon he trusts them.  President Walker proclaimed the May meeting as Founder’s Day to commemorate the first birthday of the club. 
In New Business: Annual dues were established at $20.  Payments were received by the Vice President, Ambassador, Sec.-Treasurer and Mr. McLaughlin.  The Ambassador reported that the buttons were on order.  Two club outings were discussed and approved.  The first is a visit to the Tobacco Festival in Ripley, Ohio, in August, and the second to the USA v. Mexico World Cup Qualifier in Columbus, Ohio, in September.  With that, the meeting was concluded and the members retreated to the bar for official photographs and club shots.

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