Monday, February 11, 2013

Arts & Leisure Suit

Pipes & Tattoos Goo Goo G'joob!
Recently, while sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come, I noticed Ms. Danielle of Neons, purveyoress of fine libation, had crowned her knee with an illustrious walrus gent. The monocled Sir is smoking a Calabash pipe with a meerschaum bowl.

No definitive answer yet as to what Sir may be smoking but we suspect it would not be found at our local tobacconist.
I kindly thank Ms. Danielle who was gracious enough to adorn her body in homage to the pipe club, posing for a couple of snappers as well as serving up pints to the musical stylings of her elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.

The Smoke’n Traveler
Club President, Mr. M. Walker stands outside of a shop in New Orleans. Mr. Walker thinks that the sign is referring to “tobacco pipe” and not one of the many bongs on the top shelf above the Swisher Sweet cigars. He is sporting a white tee and matching plastic cup he found in the street.

Club Vice President, Mr. J. Carr and Ambassador Mr. S. Griffith traveled recently for a Reds game to the far end of the bar. The trip itself was uneventful with the exception of when Mr. B. Johnson, who was to accompany them on the journey, became confused as to which end of the bar they were to destin. A good Samaritan provided directions and after rotating 180 degrees Mr. Johnson eventually found his way in time for the first pitch.

The Back Page
Musings By Mr. J. Back, The Confessor
The French. Hmmmm...the French, let me see...I like their toast. Their toast is good. Sometimes I have their toast in the morning and sometimes I do not. Their toast is very popular so I think they must grow a lot of it. I would like to visit a toast farm and maybe grow some toast of my own. If I grew my own toast it would not be their toast it would be something, just regular toast which is not as good as their toast. I really like their toast.

“So it shall be for all time. If discord has broken out between two beings, let them smoke together. United by this bond, they will live in peace and friendship thereafter.”
-Attributed to the Great Manitu

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