Monday, February 11, 2013

Club Welcomes New Members

Moments before his watch went missing, Mr. B. Joyce (left) is welcomed into the Pipe Club by his sponsor Mr. J. Carr (right).
Pipe-Up, Fourth & Fifth Congress, October 2012

Mr. B. Rinehart, Hard-nose investigative reporter of stuff.
Rinehart is guest contributor; his name and image used without consent, content herein published without his knowledge and set forth with a total disregard for his reputation. 

After several months of negotiations, Mr. B. Joyce has finally joined the club. Mr. J. Carr, Joyce’s sponsor, rushed through an impromptu vote with an unsuspecting quorum during commercial break of a recent Reds game. “Several clubs were courting  Joyce for the same position on their roster so we took advantage of the situation. No, I don’t think he wanted to join but we made several promises we have no intention on keeping and I think that swayed him.” said Carr.

The addition of Joyce is not without controversy. The incident with the two chickens and the grapefruit continues to dog him in the tabloids with Joyce still claiming not to have known either of the fowl prior to the first explosion.

In addition to Joyce, Mr. B. Johnson sponsored and carried through a successful vote for Mr. M. Flagler. Flagler is a long time pipe smoker and Cincinnati firefighter. Members feel that Flagler’s profession will come in handy from time to time based on past experiences. Flagler’s controversy stems from invisibility. Some members have a vague recollection of seeing him but until a photo is on file, he will continue to be known as another one of Mr. B. Johnson’s imaginary friends.

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